
“It Ended A Disagreement And Started An Understanding”

From time to time we all have disagreements. You’re probably going to hear that word in various forms(disagreement, disagree, disagreeing, etc…)a lot in this blog. I both heard it and used it last night during a very serious discussion I was having with my son about one of today’s most serious subjects. “I think we’re on different sides of this one” my son Mason said. As our discussion went on, it became very clear that he was right.  As we talked though, we also made sure we did some very important things within our discussion.  We made sure to LISTEN to what the other person was saying.  When we didn’t understand a point or concept we’d ASK QUESTIONS until we did.  We tried to USE ANALOGIES that each other could relate to in order to get our point across.  Even though we clearly disagreed, we NEVER YELLED OR CALLED EACH OTHER NAMES during our discussion. I’ve used the term disagree a few times and that’s exactly what it was. A disagreement. At various times, both of USED “I DISAGREE” INSTEAD OF SAYING “YOU’RE WRONG.” Both of us MADE AN HONEST EFFORT TO UNDERSTAND THE OTHER’S POINT. I don’t want to put words in my son’s mouth, but I think by the time we finished the discussion, both of us were a little “closer to the middle” than when we started although we still held onto our positions.  We RESPECTED EACH OTHER AND EACH OTHER’S OPINIONS. When you’re disagreeing with each other it’s so easy to view each other as an adversary as opposed to another person who just disagrees with you.  We both REALIZED THAT JUST BECAUSE WE DISAGREED, THAT DIDN’T MEAN THE OTHER WAS BAD OR STUPID OR SOMEHOW A WORSE PERSON. A disagreement is just that, a disagreement.  Finally, we MADE AN EFFORT TO UNDERSTAND THAT EACH OF OUR POSITIONS WAS HIGHLY INFLUENCED BY ALL OF OUR LIFE EXPERIENCES. We can’t know all of theirs and they can’t know all of ours. We can make an effort to describe ours and listen to theirs so we are at least aware of them.  At the end of our discussion I felt better. I felt better both about my feelings and positions and about my son’s. Both of us used an open mind and a willingness to realize each other’s point of view.  IT WAS A THOUGHTFUL, HONEST AND MEANINGFUL DISCUSSION THAT ENDED A DISAGREEMENT AND BEGAN AN UNDERSTANDING. Peace      …..Gregg

Nowhere… or Now Here? Your Choice!

Nowhere or Now—Here Your Choice It’s the same collection of letters but it’s what you decide to do, where and when you decide to do it and where you are on your path that makes all the difference.  If you choose to find the positives in the life around you, then you are living NOW and HERE.  If you choose to see the negatives all around, then you’ll end up living NOWHERE.  The choice is your’s with every single decision you make in every single instant you live.  I wish you the wisdom of good fortune and good choices.  May your outcomes always lead you to happiness and gratitude.  Peace       …..Gregg

Turns Out, Seeking Wisdom Is A Lot Closer Than The Mountaintop!

What’s the purpose of our journey? Wow, that sounds like one of those deep questions we’re  supposed to climb up the side of a mountain and ask the bearded wiseman sitting on top. I disagree. I believe that, that is a question we need to ask and answer ourselves! (And…we need to ask it often!) It’s not hard to come up with the questions… —Why am I doing the things that I’m doing?  —Where is the daily grind that I’m on, taking me?  —Other that myself, is my path benefitting anyone else?  —Am I being honest with myself?  You get the idea.  Think about it, you’d never get on a plane or train without knowing where it was going! So why don’t we simply do the same thing when it comes to our lives? We get too caught up in life, that’s why! We “tunnel” our focus instead of “scanning!” In the security field doing that is deadly. In life, it’s disastrous too!  Look, take the time to know where you’re going, your worth it! More importantly, take the time to answer all the questions that will come to mind. This concept can and should be used for life’s “big” questions but also the everyday questions that we often forget deserve asking. Find the courage to equip yourself with the tools to figure out  —Who you are  —Where your heading  —Why your doing what you’re doing —who’s along for the ride and who’s helping you and who’s holding you back. Maybe the most important answer of all, where you are on that life path of your’s right now! After all, the only way you can move in the direction you need to, is to first know where you are!  So, it turns out that by asking yourself what the purpose of your journey is, means you won’t need to climb any mountains to seek guidance. Instead, it’s an intimate and necessary question just between you and you alone.  I wish you much success and hope you find your answers along with peace as you travel  down your path.  Peace           …..Gregg