
I Wish I Would Have Understood This Phrase much Earlier In Life. Understood and Come to Terms With…

As I grow older and the days behind me grow longer while the days in front of me dwindle, I wish I would have understood the phrase “Thank You” much earlier in life. Not just understood it but also come to terms with it’s power.  I’ve come to realize that every time we say the words Thank You, they should be said with reverence and honor. Sadly, so many times we utter this meaningful phrase, it’s both without meaning and is simply a filler of some kind because “That’s what was expected.”  When is the last time you’ve closed your eyes and just kept saying thank you until you truly believed it?  Until you truly felt the thankfulness?  Until you found yourself smiling completely and totally due to that wave of thankfulness that washed over you?   Imagine how you’ll feel when you actually say thank you to someone and mean it. Imagine how they’ll feel knowing it’s heartfelt.   Even the smallest child doesn’t have time for insincere Thank You’s.  Thank You it turns out, is a kind of portal that can take us from an ordinary place to one filled Gratitude, honor and respect in an instant.  Thank You is simply another form of love in one form or another.  So Thank You,  not for anything in particular, and at the same time, for all the very specific reasons that need to be said. You honor me by accepting my thanks and passing them along to others. I sincerely hope they’ll do the same for you.  Peace & Thank You         ……Gregg 

Love vs Complacency

Love vs complacency. One will fill you up, the other will rob you of everything that really means anything.  With all the strength and resolve that you have, don’t allow yourself to become complacent and take love and/or loved ones for granted.  Tell them how much they mean to you at every opportunity.   Make an effort to show them how important they are to you.   Hug them with meaning and warmth even when you’re running short on time or patience or don’t have a “good reason” to hug them. The reason to hug them is because you love them!   Life is always taken for granted, no matter how much we try not to let that happen. That doesn’t mean that living has to be taken for granted though.  Don’t accept the fairytale that there will always be time for this or that. At some point time will run out. The fact is that we don’t know when that time will come.  Live life and more importantly, appreciate others living their’s. Help others live their lives. Be grateful for all the precious instants that make up your life. (Especially those moments that others say don’t deserve gratitude.)  Allow the brightness of your love and empathy fill any room you’re in, any place you visit and and heart you come in contact with.   Peace       ……Gregg 

One Of The Most Important Questions You’ll Ever Ask…

“What If?” Seems like a pretty simple question doesn’t it? Well, I guess it is, but it is also one of the most powerful questions we can ever ask.  Just like everything else “What If” can facilitate a good outcome or a bad one. Words matter and in this case, words REALLY matter! By asking “What If,” we can chart the landscape that life has laid out for us. Once we seem the possibilities, we can develop a plan of how to make our way through.  Pay attention not only to what you’re asking yourself but HOW YOU’RE ASKING IT!  The power of “What If” comes down to 2 things… 1- Are we courageous enough to even ask the question in the first place? 2- Are we asking it in a positive or negative way? “What if I do this thing something bad happens?” isn’t a question, it’s a self fulfilling negative prophesy. Instead, “I need something good to happen so What if I do this thing? What are the potential outcomes” It’s a question that can and should be used for  Awareness– “What if that notification from my phone means I should keep an eye out for my Uber?” Security– “What if there’s danger around that corner? How’s the best way to handle it?” Life lessons– “What if that happens to me again? How would I handle it then?” Understanding– “What if I were in their situation? What would I want?” Visualization– “What if I reach that goal? I will feel such a sense of accomplishment and happiness when that happens.” These are only a few examples of the hundreds and hundreds of “What If” questions we should ask everyday. Like everything else in life, we have 2 choices… Positive       or Negative  If you find yourself asking “What If” often and in situations that you wouldn’t have imagined a while ago, then you’ve succeeded! I hope and pray that happens for you.  What if by simply asking this 2 word question more good things are waiting for you and those you love than you ever imagined? What if….? Peace      …..Gregg