Gregg Masters Gregg Masters

About Gregg Masters

Gregg Masters is an inspirational author, thinker and speaker who's daily thoughts, blog and more are known as "A Common Man's Wisdom." Gregg's professional life, whether in Radio, Television or any of his other jobs, allowed him to travel and explore both places and people of all kinds. Ironically, it wasn't these experiences that had the biggest impact on him. In 2008, Gregg suffered a disabling back injury. During this time, Gregg was presented with the option to look at life with anger and cynicism over his injury and pain or to look for the opportunities it might present. He chose the latter. After looking within himself and as he says "Seeing what I was made of, and what made me tick," Gregg began sharing some of his thoughts. First on Facebook, Twitter and with others he was speaking to. As Gregg's thoughts, insights, and understanding continued to grow so did his social media presence. Soon, he began collecting his thoughts, ideas, affirmations and meditations in a series of books titled "A Common Man's Wisdom."

I Hope That You’ll Be Alive Tomorrow!

I hope that you’ll be alive tomorrow! WHAT? WHAT KIND OF STUPID STATEMENT IS THAT!?!   I know that this isn’t the kind of thing we normally say, but think about it for a second. We never know what might happen to us. Things happen that can change our lives irrevocably or even end it in an instant! No warning. No discussion. Just “poof”…gone.    I think the question actually is, why don’t we tell the people in our lives how much they mean to us? Why don’t we tell people we love them, they matter, what they’ve said or written has made a difference in our life and and thousand more things that we “should” say, but choose not to?   Maybe it’s because, deep down we know that things could change or people could be gone, we just don’t want to deal with it. If we put it off until tomorrow or until the next time we talk to them then that means things will still be the same or that they’ll still be alive, right? Wrong! Sadly we don’t have that kind of power.   As I reach the age where I say goodby to more and more friends and family, one of the saddest things I can hear at a funeral or wake is this statement…   “She made such a difference in my life.”   Or   “He was a Hell of a guy. He’ll be missed.”   It is so sad to me because these wonderful comments would have meant so much to that person WHILE THEY WERE ALIVE! Tell the people around you that they matter. This will require a change for you. It might even make you feel uneasy to share your feelings.  Remember this though, Gratitude and Thankfulness trumps uneasiness any day of the week!   So, what are the kinds of things that we can do to let others know they matter?    Here are just a few ideas….   •Tell them they matter   •Pay attention to them   •Listen to them over a cup of coffee or telephone conversation   •Send them a note in the mail (Yes, the actual Postal Service)   •Call them “for no reason at all”   •Take them out to lunch   •Send them a text or Direct Message    •Drop flowers by their home   •Call a restaurant and order them a dinner, then have it delivered or take it by yourself   •Invite them over to watch a favorite show or game or boxing match   •Send them money. (I know this is a tough one both for you and them) So many folks need money for food or for prescriptions. You can send it, drop it by or even send it     •Explain how much this person, their words or actions mean to you.   (Please feel free to add your own actions onto this list! They will mean SO very much!)     Sadly, most people won’t do […]

It’s Your Choice!!!

It’s your choice!  That’s one of the thoughts that popped into my head early this morning. It’s my choice what I want to do, how I want to feel, what kind of vibe I give off to every person I come in contact with today. Every single decision and thought I have today is my choice.   (This next one is INCREDIBLY important!)  Nobody can “make” me feel a certain way. That is up to me.    I am in control and have all the power. It’s my choice! (Talk about power going into the day!)   Use it! Enjoy it and make the choices that make a positive day and weekend. More importantly, make a today the kind of day you’ll be proud of later on tonight!     (Oh yea…if you think what I’m saying is a bunch of “HOOEY”…that’s your choice too.) Peace Gregg

FOCUS! (But make sure you’re focusing on the right stuff!!!)

  If one goal you have doesn’t pan out or will end up taking much longer than you thought it would, find all the new goals along the way!     We talk ourselves into believing that one huge goal at the end of the rainbow is all there is! When we do that, we’re wrong. That one goal isn’t all there is. As a matter of fact, that one goal might only be there as a map that allow us to find other challenges, goals, successes and yes, failures too.     Allow yourself to look around as you’re walking your path. When you do, you’ll see it widen and narrow, become darker and brighter, branch off in different directions and allow you to come in contact with more different people, different places and different things than we could ever dream of.     It’s only through learning that we can accomplish our goals, and we can only learn from people, places and things that are different than we are! We can only learn from information we don’t already know! That sounds so simple and yet we strive to surround ourselves only with things that are like we are.  (ie…political views, TV Networks or even our favorite table to sit at and the list goes on and on.)     As you walk the path that life has laid before you, take the time to stop and look around, walk down a path you never new existed, APPRECIATE life…both the good and the bad and understand that of all of the things in life you can control, THIS ISN’T ONE!!!     So, focus on your goals but remember to focus on all of them. That includes all of the new goals that you’ll come up with too. After all, life is created with millions and millions and millions of goals we’ve created and made our own along the way. Appreciate, Cherish and find the Wonder in them. That is what living our life is really all about.   Peace Gregg