Gregg Masters Gregg Masters

About Gregg Masters

Gregg Masters is an inspirational author, thinker and speaker who's daily thoughts, blog and more are known as "A Common Man's Wisdom." Gregg's professional life, whether in Radio, Television or any of his other jobs, allowed him to travel and explore both places and people of all kinds. Ironically, it wasn't these experiences that had the biggest impact on him. In 2008, Gregg suffered a disabling back injury. During this time, Gregg was presented with the option to look at life with anger and cynicism over his injury and pain or to look for the opportunities it might present. He chose the latter. After looking within himself and as he says "Seeing what I was made of, and what made me tick," Gregg began sharing some of his thoughts. First on Facebook, Twitter and with others he was speaking to. As Gregg's thoughts, insights, and understanding continued to grow so did his social media presence. Soon, he began collecting his thoughts, ideas, affirmations and meditations in a series of books titled "A Common Man's Wisdom."


For a long time I’ve been thinking about, talking about and writing about achieving Mental Weightlessness. People always look at me like I’m nuts when I say it, so I thought I’d take another crack at it.

You know all those people in your life that are always angry at someone for some reason or they are holding a grudge from 10 years ago or they are SUPREMELY pissed about something…but if you really ask, they don’t quite remember all the details anymore? Well they are hanging on to all of the anger and hate and resentment and vitriol and bigotry every second of every minute of every hour of every day. THAT is why they are like they are.


We all do this in one way or another. Some of us are more successful and getting rid of those fragments than others are. They are the people who are closer to Mental Weightlessness!

When I talk about achieving Mental Weightlessness, I’m talking about leaving behind all of the completely useless emotions and negativity that always “wants to go for a ride with us, but never pays for gas!”

Look, in life there is SO much noise continually buzzing around us that it makes it hard to walk a path of honesty! We need to be honest to ourselves. Instead, we end up playing games instead of living life.

Instead of walking that honest path and considering what it means to be honest to ourselves and appreciating our lives and being grateful for each fleeting second, we turn to games.

We play the “My Friends Don’t Like It So I Don’t Either Game!”

We play the “What About Them Game!”

We play the “ Yea, But They Did It” game.

We play the “You Hurt Me So I’ll Hurt You (even if I or you might not remember it) Game” and so many others.

So as a result, somewhere along the line in our lives, we’ve made the decision to carry these little bits, these fragmentations of negativity with us.

We carry our negativity with us and use it as a shield against all things in our world. We use it against our boss, our politicians, things we don’t like, our obligations, our partners, our children, our friends and ourselves. The truly sad part is that the negativity doesn’t shield us at all. All it does is attract more and more and more.Pretty soon you just can’t understand why this happened or why that person said this or why you feel so alone and isolated. Your Negativity Shield has done its real job!

Unless you want to spiral down, just slowly enough so as you don’t realize it, your walk towards Mental Weightlessness needs to begin now! You must get rid of those fragments of negativity. You must overpower the hatred, anger, bigotry and negative aura that is surrounding you. (You know, all those things you’d swear  you don’t do and aren’t part of you!) The only way to do that is with the help of Negativity’s arch enemy, Positivity.

Pay attention to what you think, say and write. Facebook and Twitter are a virtual petri dish for negative energy. Pay attention to the negative words and ideas you hear from others, then turn it around and ask yourself “IS THAT ME? DO I SAY OR CONDONE THESE KIND’S OF THINGS?” Simply by being aware of the negativity around you, you are already beginning to clean up the “neighborhood.” Soon you’ll be asking yourself why you said this or that, why that thought popped into your head, why a certain person hasn’t called for a while, etc…  Soon you’ll be telling yourself how much better you feel for seemingly no reason at all. Oh, there’s a reason. Believe me, there is a reason, and you are in the process of changing it!

I’m not nuts when I want my friends to achieve Mental Weightlessness. I’m not even nuts when I want those I “don’t get along with” to achieve Mental Weightlessness. I’m not nuts when I want those I love to achieve Mental Weightlessness. And I’m certainly not nuts when I want to achieve Mental Weightlessness myself. I’m just somebody who wants his neighborhood, his social media, his country and his world to be filled with people who are acting like the human beings that we were created to be. I’m just someone who wants to feel gratitude not only for the things I know about, but for the things I have no idea about. I want to feel how incredible it feels to be Mentally Weightless and I want you to come along for the ride! (I’ll pay for the gas!)



In Order To Stop, We Must Start

I spent some time last night with a friend who was not happy at all with their life. They talked for some time about all the things they needed to stop in order for their life to get better. They needed to stop smoking, stop spending too much money, stop eating too much, stop being lonely, stop feeling sorry for themselves, etc… After a while they asked me what I thought. I thought about what I just heard and said I thought they were 180° wrong. As I was listening to them I heard so many of the same things that come out of my mouth from time to time. It was eye opening for me. Here’s my advice for them…

We need to start thinking about the things we want to START in our lives instead of only focusing on what we want to stop. Look, it’s going to work a lot better if you focus on “starting your life” than if you only focus on “stopping your life.”

Here’s that list that they rattled off earlier in the conversation…

Stop smoking…..

(START adding the things into your life that will help you be more healthy, including asking the question why! Pay attention to the your honest answers.)

Stop spending too much money…..

(START thinking about what you really want, including some fun stuff for you too, and make a budget to get there.)

Stop eating too much…..

(START keeping a food diary and use a highlighter  to highlight  the good things you eat, not the bad. Allow yourself to try some new things. It’s ok not to like some but it’s also ok to like some!)

Stop being lonely

(START looking at your life and identify anyone you might like to spend time with, then let them know you’d like to spend some time with them and don’t run away when they say yes.)

Stop feeling sorry for themselves…..

(START keeping a daily list of the things they’re happy about, grateful for, thankful for.)

Hope it helps them.

Hope it helps me.

Really hope it helps you too.




I just had a conversation with someone who was afraid and frustrated and angry about some upcoming changes at her workplace. “I just hate change” she said.

I asked her to think of it this way, without change there would be no day or night, no trees, flowers, butterflies, dogs, cats or wind. There would be no future, no smile from your child or grandchild, no hugs, phone calls, texts messages or for that matter, there would be no you! You would never had been born, nor your mom and dad or grandparents, etc…

Change is what drives our species, planet, Country, town and business forward. CHANGE HAPPENS IN ORDER TO MAKE THE WORLD, TO CONTINUALLY MAKE YOU A BETTER PERSON!Without it we die and go away. Is it scary? You bet! It’s also both worth it and necessary.

Allow yourself to have some faith in yourself. After all, you’ve made it all the way from where you were, to where you are! Let’s hear that again…


That is a Hell of an accomplishment! You wont be able to even come close to counting all of the turns you could have taken that would have ended up so much worse for you!


Early in life, I had this phrase drilled into me. You know what? It works!

ASSESS…..the change.

ADAPT… how the changes affect you.

OVERCOME…..whatever the obstacles that are in your way and find a better path to succeed.


You got this! Now go and make the changes in your life, positive ones…

