Gregg Masters Gregg Masters

About Gregg Masters

Gregg Masters is an inspirational author, thinker and speaker who's daily thoughts, blog and more are known as "A Common Man's Wisdom." Gregg's professional life, whether in Radio, Television or any of his other jobs, allowed him to travel and explore both places and people of all kinds. Ironically, it wasn't these experiences that had the biggest impact on him. In 2008, Gregg suffered a disabling back injury. During this time, Gregg was presented with the option to look at life with anger and cynicism over his injury and pain or to look for the opportunities it might present. He chose the latter. After looking within himself and as he says "Seeing what I was made of, and what made me tick," Gregg began sharing some of his thoughts. First on Facebook, Twitter and with others he was speaking to. As Gregg's thoughts, insights, and understanding continued to grow so did his social media presence. Soon, he began collecting his thoughts, ideas, affirmations and meditations in a series of books titled "A Common Man's Wisdom."

It’s Not The “Weight” Of The Problem That Causes You To Break Down, It’s The Amount Of Time We Carry It! 

Everyone on the planet has problems and challenges of one sort or another. Most of the time it’s not the “weight” of the problem that causes you to break down, it’s the amount of time we carry that weight around with us. An hour, a day, a week, a year or in some instances it’s 24/7/365 for the rest of our lives! As an illustration, most of us could probably hold a 16 ounce can out in front of us for a little while. But imagine how painful that would be the longer and longer and longer and longer we carry that can out in front of us. At some point, our body will just give out. Maybe we’d put so much focus and energy into holding onto that can that other parts of our lives would suffer and we’d eventually end up injuring ourselves physically, mentally or spiritually. The bottom line is that the longer we hold onto it, the worse we will end up feeling. When it comes to us holding onto all of those negative fragments, sometimes we don’t even realize what we’re doing because its been so long. Sometimes though, we do realize it. It’s that moment when we do realize we’re angry or frustrated or carrying a grudge that we need to ask ourself an incredibly important question…“How much time am I willing to take away from my life in order to feel this way!?!”  This is step one! Step two? Listen! Listen as life will almost always answer “No More!” Our mind and body will almost always show us the way to be better, to be happier. The tricky part is that we need to first listen, then agree and then act on it.  Find the time to Listen To Your Life, because whether we’re listening to it or not, it will tell you what you need.  Find the time to Listen To Your Life. You deserve it! Peace       …..Gregg

Throwaway Phrases…(Theres A Reason They’re Called Throwaways)

Most of us probably use throwaway phrases everyday, almost without even knowing it. Almost without caring.  Before we go any farther, I thought we’d better define our terms. In other words, what is a “Throwaway Phrase?” {Judging from the vast amount of money in the “Research and Development” budget… I Googled it.}  Here is their explanation… “If you say that someone makes a throwaway remark or gesture, you mean that they make it in a casual way, although it may be important, or have some serious or humorous effect. … a throwaway remark may later be regretted.” Sometimes a throwaway phrase happens in business such as when the “office know it all” gives us some useless advise and we respond with a quick wave of the hand and an “Uh huh…” You don’t really mean it that way, but it’s just the thing to say.  Sometimes a throwaway phrase can happen with people you hardly know. Maybe you bump into someone inadvertently and toss out a quick “Uh, sorry.” You don’t really mean it that way, but it’s just the thing to say.  But sadly, sometimes throwaway phrases happen closer to home with those we love. These are the throwaway phrases we need to make sure we we stop and never use again. How often have we thrown out a quick “Love ya” on the way out the door or we nod our head and throw out an occasional “Uh huh” as someone we care about is telling us about their day? You don’t really mean them that way, but it’s just the thing to say.  You’ll note that the definition also brought up gestures. Just as with words, we toss these throwaway gestures out the same way.  When your other half or partner comes home after a long day, you sit there watching TV or playing video games, or reading and throw out a “hi” without even looking up? Maybe we have a single comment or whole conversation with our back turned to someone when we know if the tables were turned, we’d want to be facing each other . You don’t really mean them that way, but you’re just to busy, unaware, uncaring (Just insert whatever excuse seemsmto make you feel the best) to do anything differently.  Now these are only a few of the things that might happen all the time. Things gotten used to doing and we hardly pay attention to that, either force others to hope we care more than we’re showing or force them to imagine our words, actions and feelings actually mean.  So how can we change?  First, realize when we’re doing these things to others. Be aware you might be sending the wrong message and then realize when it when happens back to you out of the mouths of others.  Second, do your best for just one day (to start) pay special attention to everything you’re saying and doing. Everything. Can you go one complete day being completely aware of what you’re saying, how you’re saying it, […]

We All Make Mistakes! (Learn To Love Your Good Ones)

One of life’s certainties is that we’re going to make mistakes. Some will be big and some will be HUGE! (Or at least we’ll be certain that they were.) Most are just mistakes we make that we’ll learn from or not, appreciate or not and understand or not. We kid ourselves  into believing that all of these mistakes are somehow the spawn of ego and evil. No! One of the biggest things we forget is that we can make mistakes of the good as well!  Sometimes we might not go far enough toward being benevolent and sometimes we might go too far. One thing’s for sure, it’s about time we start seeing and understanding the good parts about us and then make them more effective and more loving.  Just imagine what kind of people we’d be and what kind of world we’d live in if we made most of our mistakes by  being too Kind, Loving, Empathetic, Honorable, Honest, Loyal, Charitable, Respectful, Responsible, Humble, Compassionate, Decent, Fair, Forgiving, Authentic, Courageous, Generous, Polite,  Optimistic, Reliable, Conscientious, Encouraging, Forgiving, Considerate and just downright Nice. Sure would be a lot different, huh? So until we meet again over the next One Minute Blog, and Common Man’s Wisdom Podcast, let’s do this…   Let’s sit down and write out on a piece of paper what we think our best qualities are. I mean all of them and don’t stop till the page looks pretty full!  Then, let’s do our best to make our best traits even better! Do your best to show others what a good trait looks like no matter what the situation is.    Talk to your other half or your kids and your friends about it. Get them to do the same and then talk to each other about the good stuff that’s now going on in your life.  You can even keep score at the end of each  day by underlining the traits that you exercised that day. Then at the end of a week or so, you might be surprised how many good traits you’re showing the rest of the world… and maybe how many you aren’t.  So the next time you make a mistake, look at it and see what kind of mistake it was. Did it come from you being good or bad? Either way, maybe it’ll be easier to learn from it and then give yourself a break. After you do THAT, you can go back to that paper you filled full of your good traits and underline benevolent!  Peace       ……Gregg