Yearly Archives: 2020

I don’t recall giving anybody permission to risk my life!

If we could actually see the Coronavirus, we’d be a lot less likely to act like a complete idiot! Think about it. We’re in the midst of a worldwide pandemic that kills people. KILLS PEOPLE! Now consider that there are people leading protests with no masks or social distancing because they want to be able to get their hair cut! People storming State Capitals while heavily armed! They remembered all their weapons and ammo but forgot their face masks and what social distancing is and does! (Did they bring all those AK’s and deer rifles and hand guns to shoot the virus?) People who maintain the Coronavirus is no worse than the flu and deaths will soon go down to zero and will “miraculously just go away once April comes.” All of this while not wearing a mask even at mask factories or while standing next to WWII veterans!

These people are not only risking their lives, they’re risking our lives! I don’t know about you, but I don’t recall giving anybody permission to risk my life! I’ve tried to understand why these people are acting this way. I get it, we’re all frustrated and want what “normal” once was. These people can’t really believe that the Coronavirus can be bullied or ignored or lied into oblivion, can they? They can’t be that stupid or uncaring right? Maybe they just can’t imagine something they can’t see. You know, “If I can’t see it, it don’t exist” kind of thing.

So…instead of the Coronavirus, imagine being in our current situation but with thousands and thousands of terrorists in every city and town who want to kill all of us, but especially our elderly. They’ll follow all of us home and try to get inside and attack who they can. Now, would you send your kids outside without protection? Would you take the chance of going out and then leading them back to your mom and dad or grandparents? Still want that haircut?

How about this, what if each virus was big enough to see and red in color? Would you skip the mask because you still don’t believe they exist? Would you “take the chance” that nothing will happen on a quick trip to the nail salon? Would you visit your parents and grandparents even though you had some virus attached to your shoes or clothes or grocery store bags? Still think it’ll go away in April? (Which FYI…was last month.)

Finally, how about if your work everyday was trying valiantly 12 hours a day to keep people from falling into a Coronavirus coma or having to be intubated only to see them die a painful and lonely death with only hospital personnel in full protected gear around them? No family. No hand holding. No conversation. Would you think twice about not wearing a mask as you stand next to a WWII veteran?

Look, I get it. The economy has crashed. We’re all scared and frustrated, losing money and unsure. If you’re not, you should be. But putting others lives at risk because you want what’s good for you and to hell with everybody else, is not only wrong, it’s immoral.

When all of this is over, and it will be over at some point, remember those people who have been willing to gamble with your life! Remember those “friends” who put your lives at risk along with your kids, your mom and dad and grandparents lives too. They’ll pretend like nothing ever happened but remember. Remember those mayors and council members, State Reps and Governors, Congressmen and women along with administration officials and our President who chose to deflect facts and play with our lives in order to pay off past promises or get reelected. They’ll pretend like nothing ever happened and they were always working for you. Remember.

Nope, I don’t recall giving anybody permission to risk my life! Have you given anyone permission to risk you life? Facts are facts, you might not like them but we must accept them in order to move forward. Don’t believe me? Well, I can think of more than 70 thousand people in this country who would have disagreed with you, if they could have had the chance to… before they died.


Stop Whining And Start Living!

Stop Whining About Having To Stay Home

Stop whining about having to stay home due to the Coronavirus. I’ve got to say, I’m really tired of seeing and hearing people on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, on texts and emails go on and on about how much their life sucks now because they have to stay home!

So, let’s start by asking some questions.
•Is it a change you didn’t expect? Yep!
•Is it a time of uncertainty like we’ve probably not experienced before? Yep!
•Is it scary and frustrating? Yep!
•Is it tough to be laid off or fired or have your business closed? Yep!
•Is it mentally, spiritually and even sometimes physically hard to abide by the social distancing and self-isolation regulations? Yep!

Are all of these worth whining about? Nope! We have more questions that need to be asked. For instance…

•Are these restrictions asking you to work in a place where others come to be healed from this virus? A place where every instant you are there, you might be infected? (If the answer is yes then you can whine and bitch all you want! You are a hero!)

•Are you working in an essential business where you are in danger of contracting this virus and possibly infecting your family? (If the answer is yes then you can whine and bitch all you want! You are a hero!)

Have you been asked to relocate to a hostile place where others want to shoot, stab or blow you up? (If the answer is yes then you can whine and bitch all you want! You are a hero!)



Now More Than Ever, Communication Matters

Communication is always important but in these very turbulent, scary and ever-changing times, communication is absolutely essential! We see the results of poor communication or in some cases no communication at all playing out in press conferences we’re watching, workplace telemeetings, emails and texts and even in our daily lives at home.

So, here are some basic and simple things we can do to improve our communication and lessen our misunderstandings.

Listening always has been the most important part of speaking and it still is! When we’re frustrated, angry or stressed we tend to want to speak first and listen later. Reverse that!

Search for the facts, not the things we wished would be facts or the things others seem to think are the facts, The Facts! Once you’ve found them, not only use them but share them.

I can’t count the number of times that my Mom and Dad told me this. The older I get, the more I realize how wise they were. Simply taking a breath or pausing for a couple of seconds can make all the difference between communicating and venting.

Yelling, screaming, being sarcastic or cynical doesn’t get much done. You might think they’re making you feel better but what you’re actually doing is creating even more miscommunication that you’ll need to clean up later.