Daily Archives: May 31, 2017

Summer Travel=Unexpected Caring

                    With Summer approaching, many of us will be packing the car or RV or our suitcases for a relaxing and fun trip somewhere. It might be a short trip or one that lasts the entire season. Sometimes it might be a vacation somewhere nice and sometimes, your traveling takes you to a whole different part of the world. So I thought I’d make a suggestion…   HELP SOMEBODY WHILE YOU’RE AT IT!   *****Take a few extra minutes when you’re planning your trip to see what schools or hospitals might be close by where you’ll be staying. Place a call to them or the local Chamber of Commerce or Rotary Club and ask them what they or someone in their town might need. I’m talking coloring books, soccer balls, toys for young kids, etc… a family or two who might benefit from a night out at a local restaurant. Then, when you travel…take something to give – supplies for that school, books for a Children’s Hospital, supplies for a day care center, a gift card for that family, etc… It won’t take that much time out of your travels and the cost can range from a dollar or two on up. (Maybe a night of fast food on your trip instead of going to a nice restaurant is all it would take). Think of all the good you might be doing. This can be done any and every time you travel whether a day trip or much longer. If your part of a group…school or church etc… Then what a great gift you’ve just given to an unsuspecting and much deserving recipient! I hope you might embrace my idea. Feel free to post it on your page, share this blog and of course tell your friends about it. Take pictures of what you did, share those pictures with us all on your social media pages. This way, a part of you will carry on wherever you go and maybe the idea will become a practice… Just one other quick thought… This idea isn’t one that can only be done if you’re traveling this Summer. If you’re staying home, you can do the same thing! Hospitals, School Districts, a teacher you might personally know, etc… would all benefit in your town.   Good luck and in advance of your good hearted gifts, let me say thank you…   Peace…     Gregg