Monthly Archives: February 2017

5 Reasons Valentine’s Day is a Lousy Holiday

5 Reasons Valentine’s Day is a Lousy Holiday

Let’s face it, in these contentious times, there aren’t too many things we can all agree on, except that Valentine’s Day is a man-made Holiday handpicked to sell greeting cards, candy and jewelry.  Here are five reasons why Valentine’s Day is a Lousy Holiday.

(The first four are absolutely on target, but the last one is really what it’s all about).



There is not a statement truer that so many seem to forget so often. There are many words and phrases we should use more often in our lives. Words and phrase that improve our lives and the lives of others around us like – Love, Hope, Thank you, etc.

However, there is one word that might surprise you, we should completely remove from our vocabulary. What is it?