Monthly Archives: February 2017

Ask For Abundance

Ask for abundance! Ask for abundance every single day, sometimes more than once a day!

Ask for abundance!

As soon as I say that, most people’s minds immediately think we’re talking about an abundance of money. That’s great. I’m all for it! As a matter of fact, I hope when you ask for, pray for abundance or ask the Universe for abundance, you get it. However, it goes much deeper than this.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

Every single thing we’ve ever learned to do, say or even recognize, we had no idea how to do it, until we did. So, how did we figure it out? We’d try and we’d fail. Then, we’d try again and again and again. Until one day, we learned to do it. Wow! When you think about it, those small little successes are truly amazing and they’d never happen without our constant practice and determination.