Gregg Masters Gregg Masters

About Gregg Masters

Gregg Masters is an inspirational author, thinker and speaker who's daily thoughts, blog and more are known as "A Common Man's Wisdom." Gregg's professional life, whether in Radio, Television or any of his other jobs, allowed him to travel and explore both places and people of all kinds. Ironically, it wasn't these experiences that had the biggest impact on him. In 2008, Gregg suffered a disabling back injury. During this time, Gregg was presented with the option to look at life with anger and cynicism over his injury and pain or to look for the opportunities it might present. He chose the latter. After looking within himself and as he says "Seeing what I was made of, and what made me tick," Gregg began sharing some of his thoughts. First on Facebook, Twitter and with others he was speaking to. As Gregg's thoughts, insights, and understanding continued to grow so did his social media presence. Soon, he began collecting his thoughts, ideas, affirmations and meditations in a series of books titled "A Common Man's Wisdom."


Pain is a subject we all understand because we’ve all encountered it… right? We all think we know what pain is, but the truth is we really can’t know. Pain comes in so many forms and so many different disguises. Then on top of that, pain and pain thresholds are different for every single one of the 7.28 billion people on the planet.

Consider this, if two people cut their hand in the same place and in the exact same way, both people will have a different reaction. One person might just wrap it up and keep going. While the other person might need to lay down and stop their life for a moment because of the pain. The truth is we can’t know the pain of others even if we can see their injury.

Ask For Abundance

Ask for abundance! Ask for abundance every single day, sometimes more than once a day!

Ask for abundance!

As soon as I say that, most people’s minds immediately think we’re talking about an abundance of money. That’s great. I’m all for it! As a matter of fact, I hope when you ask for, pray for abundance or ask the Universe for abundance, you get it. However, it goes much deeper than this.

Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

Every single thing we’ve ever learned to do, say or even recognize, we had no idea how to do it, until we did. So, how did we figure it out? We’d try and we’d fail. Then, we’d try again and again and again. Until one day, we learned to do it. Wow! When you think about it, those small little successes are truly amazing and they’d never happen without our constant practice and determination.