Gregg Masters Gregg Masters

About Gregg Masters

Gregg Masters is an inspirational author, thinker and speaker who's daily thoughts, blog and more are known as "A Common Man's Wisdom." Gregg's professional life, whether in Radio, Television or any of his other jobs, allowed him to travel and explore both places and people of all kinds. Ironically, it wasn't these experiences that had the biggest impact on him. In 2008, Gregg suffered a disabling back injury. During this time, Gregg was presented with the option to look at life with anger and cynicism over his injury and pain or to look for the opportunities it might present. He chose the latter. After looking within himself and as he says "Seeing what I was made of, and what made me tick," Gregg began sharing some of his thoughts. First on Facebook, Twitter and with others he was speaking to. As Gregg's thoughts, insights, and understanding continued to grow so did his social media presence. Soon, he began collecting his thoughts, ideas, affirmations and meditations in a series of books titled "A Common Man's Wisdom."

Respect The Path You’ll Walk, Before You Walk It…

Respect the path you’ll walk, before you walk it… We all have our own path that we walk each and every day. Whether these paths are straight, curved, narrow, wide, smooth, crowded, rough, difficult or pleasant, they are none the less, our paths. We have no choice but to use them because even choosing not to walk is still part of them.   One of our most difficult challenges comes when we’re asked to respect something that we aren’t able to reach out and touch, see, feel or use any of our other senses. The fact is though, we can use those senses and more!   Listen and trust your soul as it whispers guidance. Use your imagination to “see,” “hear,” “feel,” etc… In other words, RESPECT THE POSSIBILITIES AND THE OPPORTUNITIES! Then, every time you reach one of the Benchmarks, smile a bit and pat yourself on the back.   Respect the path you’ll walk, before you walk it… Understanding who you are and some of the tools you have at your disposal, you’ll understand that the respect is also looking for you.   Peace Gregg  

Put Yourself Together

  Put yourself together! We do this every single day, right? Well………..sort of. We spend an inordinate amount of time putting together our outside for whatever the day holds. Think about it, we take our showers or baths, we brush our teeth and floss, (put that one in there for all of the dentists out there) make sure our hair and face is how we want it, put our clothes and outfits together, our shoes, put together all of the business materials we might need for the day and on and on until we walk out the door. So, how much time do we spend on putting ourselves together on the inside each day? The honest answer is probably not much if at all. If we focus on the inside at all each morning, compare and contrast the amount of that time and effort versus the time and effort spent putting the outside together.   So, before you go out door each day promise yourself some things…   •Promise yourself that you will do your best to be aware of your ego! That appreciating the approval of others will be nice, but the rush of knowing you’ve just taken another step forward as a good human being is so much more valuable.   •Promise yourself a Smile! Take 60 seconds right after you wake up and smile. Force it if you must, but Smile. If not in bed, smile while you take your showers, drive to work, etc. Smile! It physically makes a difference in your body!   •Promise yourself that YOU WILL NOT practice avoidance today! Know that “failure” is SO much better than avoiding each and every potential obstacle on your path.   • Promise yourself always to do your best to give yourself a 360 degree view of life. The truth or all of the facts are seldom seen in one glance. Look around, ask yourself and others questions and then listen to the answers.   •Promise yourself to be authentic! Look, being authentic as we go through our day is the only way to grow! We must be honest with ourselves, others and learn from that authenticity.   •Promise to Focus on the feelings you will have once you achieve the goals you’ve set or walked past or through the fear. Most of the time, we surround our goals, challenges and fear with all of these terrible obstacles that our own imagination has created.   •Finally….. At night, find yourself 2 or 3 minutes at the end of the night to think back over the things you’ve done well that day and visualizing how your next day will go with the most positive outcomes possible. So when it comes to your tomorrow’s, put yourself together both on the inside and outside. And…if you have kids, teach them the importance of doing this too as well as How To Do It! They will thank you by living an improved life each day of their life!   Peace […]

Now Is The Time

“Thoughts and Prayers” On it’s own merits, the term “Thoughts and Prayers” is a wonderful thing to say. Lets think about what it says for a moment. It says that you will be sending your “Thoughts” to the other person as a way to help relieve the burdens and in hopes life gets better and easier for them. It also says that you’re “Prayers“ include them as you ask a higher power to intercede in their life to make it easier. Putting the two together in other words, means you’ll be sending as much positive energy as you know how to, in hopes their life will improve. So, the phrase “Thoughts and Prayers” is an incredibly powerful one, IF USED CORRECTLY.” Having said that then, why are so many upset about people using it? From the media to politicians to entertainment figures to those huddled around the “water cooler,” many are “sick and tired” of hearing that term! (To be more precise, I don’t think they’re “sick and tired” of the term, it’s that they believe it’s being used as an excuse or diversion.) To use only the term “Thoughts and Prayers” when you have the ability to add action to fix or make the problem better is what angers so many people. It angers me, to be honest! This happens all the time in our day to day lives, when we say things and then skate away because it’s just easier that way. But, with the recent massacre in Las Vegas, I’ve heard this phrase over and over and over and over again by people who have had in the past, and currently do have the opportunity (and some would say obligation) to attach action to make it harder for this to happen again and don’t! Instead, they skate away by simply throwing out the phrase “Thoughts and Prayers.” The time has come for all of us to demand action, especially in this area, no matter our political party, thoughts on gun ownership, etc. Look, I believe in gun rights for people. I don’t want to take our right to hunt or protect ourself away. My personal views stop however at how we can allow one man to kill 59 and injure close to 600 people within 15 minutes or how you can buy a kit to turn weapons into automatics or allow silencers, to name just a couple.   Now is the time to examine what out “Thoughts and Prayers” really mean. Now is the time when we need to explain how we feel ESPECIALLY to those who disagree with. Now is the time to LISTEN to those we disagree with. Now is the time for our political leaders to STOP paying more attention to lobbyists than the American people. Now is the time for insincerity to stop and heartfelt sincerity to take hold. Now is the time to understand that sometimes what you want isn’t the right thing, sometimes it also is. Now is the time we […]