Gregg Masters Gregg Masters

About Gregg Masters

Gregg Masters is an inspirational author, thinker and speaker who's daily thoughts, blog and more are known as "A Common Man's Wisdom." Gregg's professional life, whether in Radio, Television or any of his other jobs, allowed him to travel and explore both places and people of all kinds. Ironically, it wasn't these experiences that had the biggest impact on him. In 2008, Gregg suffered a disabling back injury. During this time, Gregg was presented with the option to look at life with anger and cynicism over his injury and pain or to look for the opportunities it might present. He chose the latter. After looking within himself and as he says "Seeing what I was made of, and what made me tick," Gregg began sharing some of his thoughts. First on Facebook, Twitter and with others he was speaking to. As Gregg's thoughts, insights, and understanding continued to grow so did his social media presence. Soon, he began collecting his thoughts, ideas, affirmations and meditations in a series of books titled "A Common Man's Wisdom."

Does the Coronavirus Outbreak Scare You?

Every day the news surrounding the Coronavirus gets more dark and scary. Every day we hear and see the numbers of those infected grow and death count grow with it. On top of that, throw in the financial crashes and worries both nationally and locally about whether businesses will be able to stay open and we’ll be able to continue getting paid or not.

 All of this is scary stuff. So when you ask yourself why you’re scared, know that the answer is because right now, it’s OK to be scared. Frankly, I’m much more concerned about those who aren’t afraid. Being afraid is human and is OK. Allowing that fear to take over your life, isn’t.

 The main thing is to KNOW THE FACTS! Right now so many are throwing out alternative facts… READ MORE

Don’t Be An Idiot! (But when you are…..)

It’s not every day when I feel the need to share a story about a bathroom! Lucky you, today…is that day! Before you run away on this one…trust me, it’s not what you think it is.

Today after washing my hands in a local fast food restaurant, I was standing alongside another man at the blow dryers as we were drying off our hands. When the man next to me finished he walked towards the door, stopped right in front of it and bent over to tie his shoelaces on his sneakers. As he was in mid-tie, someone opened the door and it hit him right in the head sending him right to his butt! Instead of realizing it was an accident…READ MORE

The World Must Change! (By The Way, It’s Your Responsibility!)

There comes a time when you just feel yourself being “wide open” to life. I don’t mean that in a bad way. I mean being wide open to allowing yourself to allow being yourself! To allow yourself to begin to do the things that you were put here to do.

It’s scary as Hell! It lets you know you’re in a place where you’ve never been and you’re on your way to a place where you’ve never been. Embrace it! Allow yourself to flourish.

We get scared because we somehow think things around us will be different. READ MORE