It’s Not A Resolution! (It’s Just Common Sense!)


This time of the year our attention turns from 2022 to 2023. Now I know how some of you feel about the term, “New Year’s resolutions,” so I thought instead of rattling off the same ole resolutions like losing weight or working out more I thought I’d suggest some Common Sense things to think about during the lead up to 2023 and maybe even the week or two after that!

•Don’t make Resolutions. 

Make promises or contracts :with yourself instead. If you want to make it real, write out a contract with yourself on paper and sign it. Now, leave that contract out where you’ll see it everyday! This makes your promise a bit more real and easier for you to believe it in the coming weeks.

(Understand from the very top that you will fail at a few of your goals. And that is OK! We aren’t going to succeed at everything we do. So, when we fall short of what we wanted, remember that you’re closer to that goal than you were before you started. Don’t be afraid to adjust your goals and especially your expectations.)

•Don’t be so concerned about getting rid of things you’re upset about or frustrated in your life(losing weight, being better at something, etc.) Instead, focus on what you can add in 2023 that  makes your life better. For instance, if you want to lose weight (don’t we all?) instead of promising to join a gym and get up at 4:30 am every day to exercise, which in 3 weeks, you’ll end up stopping, try focusing on addinghealthy things. Commit to eating more fruit or make a healthy fruit shake instead of that sugary soda. Find positive things you can add to your life and soon those negative things you were worried about will drop away.

•Go Slow!!! Man, this is one important!!! Want to see some changes in your life? Baby Steps!Make a list and then edit it down. Let’s say you come up with 12 things you’d like to see happen in your life. Actually, schedule them each month. January – eat fruits, nuts and berries instead of candy. February – turn the electronic devices off during dinner. You get the idea. Don’t plan on sweeping changes. Trust me, baby steps become significant changes which turn out to be so much more important.

•Begin writing a “To-Done List!”What is this? It’s a list where we sit down at some point during the week and write down our successes! What are the things we’ve done that went well, helped someone else, made us feel good, gave us some relaxation or peace? We are programmed to forget these moments. DON’T!!! Write them down and celebrate them. Then, at the end of each month, take a look at those 4 pieces of paper with your successes and congratulate yourself for the things you’ve accomplished that month!

•Tell yourself the truth about what you want to change or accomplish this year. Are they things you really want to accomplish or are they things you “think” you should accomplish? Are they things others say you need to accomplish? Are they reasonable? Only after you spend some time really asking yourself these questions, can you decide to make those changes.  

•When it comes to 2023, all we can do is to simply do our best! That sounds so basic and simple but its not just the truth but it seeps of Common Sense too. 

•Sometimes our best will fall short of our goals. •Sometimes our best will be less than others expect out of us. •Sometimes our best will allow us to achieve what we hoped for. •Sometimes our best will allow us to achieve something we would have never dreamed of accomplishing.  

Just do your best and be honest with yourself. There’s a reason why your friends like you, your family loves you and others are inspired by you, Because the “you” that they see, is pretty incredible! So, this year spend some time getting to know that side of you, the inspiring, amazing and incredible you.

Happy New Year!




This year, whenever you find yourself getting mad, sad, frustrated, enraged, etc., stop and immediately find something nice or good you can do for someone else! If you’re in the car then head into the nearest fast food place and pull in the drive through and pay for the car behind you. At home or in the office, pick up the phone and make a quick call to a loved one or friend just to tell them hi and that you care about them. Send a text or message with a nice comment. If you’re out somewhere, find someone you can compliment. It might be about anything – tell them thank you, nice job, etc. Trust me, when you do this, you’ll be amazed at how your mood changes. After all, that one small gesture might turn out to be a huge difference in someone’s day. It might start a chain of goodwill and positive energy. It might literally change someone’s life, all because you cared enough to be kind…