Monthly Archives: December 2021

A New Tradition That Matters

Whenever we celebrate The Holidays ( No matter which or how many we celebrate) there are always those people we wish were there with us, (Even our pets) that for any of a hundred reasons, aren’t. Well why not make them part of our celebration and create a new tradition to pass down year after year in the process?  This year make or buy a new ornament and simply write the name of a loved one, a pet, a friend or anyone you wish would be with you but can’t be.    There are no rules for this, they might be alive and somewhere else or maybe they’re only with us in spirit. The ornament can be as elaborate or simple as you want it to be. It can be one you make or one you buy. Just make sure that you put the name of that person or pet on it! Once you’re done with that,put it on the tree, hang it in a window or on your wall, lay it on a table, etc…  After you’ve done that, think about sending that person or their relatives a photo of the ornament you’ve made. Let them know what you’ve done and why you did it. Pass along the qualities they have and the reasons why you did what you did. This alone might be the best gift they receive all year long. Each year ahead, hopefully you’ll add the name of new friends or loved ones.  Each year you’ll celebrate with those you care about.  Each year someone else will know they’re being thought of and cared about, because of you. That’s not only a great tradition but a very loving thing you’ve done.  Starting your new tradition is easy and maybe it’s necessary too. Think of it as a guaranteed smile and deep breath of fresh air each time you walk by and see it. The good memories undoubtably Will be smiling  back at you and in their own way, saying thank you.   Peace        ….. Gregg

5 Questions To Begin Feeling Again

There was a time when we all felt the world around us instead of analyzing or directing or complaining or ignoring it. . At some point we convinced ourselves that that should be put aside. BIG MISTAKE!  We look at the world around us and the problems in it, and just can’t understand why. Well maybe just maybe, if more people felt instead of ignored or assumed or didn’t think at all, some of those problems we see out there would go away.  But, it’s got to happen within us first.  So, take a few minutes for yourself. Here are just 5 questions to ask yourself. Ask them, but make sure that when you answer them,  you “feel” the answers from head to toe.  Good luck…   •What does it feel like to be happy?  •What does it feel like to feel alive?   •What does it feel like to walk through the soft grass?  •What does it feel like to hear your favorite sound?  •What does it feel like to allow yourself to actually feel?  Peace       ……Gregg