Monthly Archives: April 2020

Stop Whining And Start Living!

Stop Whining About Having To Stay Home

Stop whining about having to stay home due to the Coronavirus. I’ve got to say, I’m really tired of seeing and hearing people on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, on texts and emails go on and on about how much their life sucks now because they have to stay home!

So, let’s start by asking some questions.
•Is it a change you didn’t expect? Yep!
•Is it a time of uncertainty like we’ve probably not experienced before? Yep!
•Is it scary and frustrating? Yep!
•Is it tough to be laid off or fired or have your business closed? Yep!
•Is it mentally, spiritually and even sometimes physically hard to abide by the social distancing and self-isolation regulations? Yep!

Are all of these worth whining about? Nope! We have more questions that need to be asked. For instance…

•Are these restrictions asking you to work in a place where others come to be healed from this virus? A place where every instant you are there, you might be infected? (If the answer is yes then you can whine and bitch all you want! You are a hero!)

•Are you working in an essential business where you are in danger of contracting this virus and possibly infecting your family? (If the answer is yes then you can whine and bitch all you want! You are a hero!)

Have you been asked to relocate to a hostile place where others want to shoot, stab or blow you up? (If the answer is yes then you can whine and bitch all you want! You are a hero!)