No matter what our politicians do or say, our job is still the same.
Be A Good Human Being! The problem is, we’re just not doing it!
If we’re not on the same side, then
…to Hell with you!
…what do you know!
…that’s stupid!
…you’re a loser!
…my party/candidate is better than yours!
…I’m smarter than you are!
Or the worst…simply ignoring that there might be another viewpoint that might be better, and a human being right in front of you. That’s not OK! Let me say that again, That’s not OK!
No matter what our politicians do or say, our job is still the same.
Be A Good Human Being
It’s still not right to bully people, mock people or assault people. The concept which has grown over the last few years that, “Whoever yells the loudest is speaking the truth” is still wrong.
I’ll say it again…
No matter what our politicians do or say, our job is still the same.
Be A Good Human Being.
Not only reach out to others, but once you do that, help them up.
Understand that others are going to have a different position than you do. Realize that different isn’t bad, different is a way to grow and learn. Understand what your job is, each day, 24/7/365
Stand by your values, but do that in a civil way, respectful way that not only finds a way to make something productive happen, but also allows you to be the mind of human beings that we deserve to be.
No matter what our politicians do or say, our job is still the same.
Be A Good Human Being.
If we were trapped in a burning building, we wouldn’t care less if the firefighter rescuing us was a man, woman, black, white, brown, yellow or green! We also wouldn’t care if they were a Democrat or Republican! I can hear it now, “Well, that’s different because that is a crisis.” Folks, what’s happing now IS a CRISIS! Look around. I’ve seen friends walk away from each other simply because they don’t believe exactly the same thing or worse yet, follow a different political candidate! I’ve seen people in my town scream unthinkable obscenities at a couple (a white man and black woman) in love, simply due to racism. I’ve heard bigots who would be shocked to know they’re bigots, racist who would be shocked to know they’re racists and friends who would be shocked to know that they were the ones who tanked the friendship! And politicians lie, swear, condone cheating, deflect and work for their good, not ours on a level way above anything we’ve ever seen. All of this in the name of politics? All of this to divide us. All of this is dividing us!
No matter what our politicians do or say, our job is still the same.
Be A Good Human Being
Stop it! It’s up to you, not them to be a better person! You know what to do, you also know that there is no way we’ll agree on everything, but are you asking if there is ANYTHING we can agree on? Are you calling out bigotry and racism, even when it’s with your friends? Are you as open minded as you want them to be? Are you part of the problem? Are you willing to change to be a better person? Make no mistake about it, where we are as a country and even human beings are right now, is a crisis! No matter how we got here, it’s up to us to fix.
A good start might be to reach out to friends both former and current and to begin to listen. Before making a decision or making up your mind, make sure that kindness and hope are a part of it. DO THE RIGHT THING! (You know what that is, but in some cases, it might have been a while since we held ourselves to these standards.)
No matter what our politicians do or say, our job is still the same.
Be A Good Human Being.