Gregg Masters Gregg Masters

About Gregg Masters

Gregg Masters is an inspirational author, thinker and speaker who's daily thoughts, blog and more are known as "A Common Man's Wisdom." Gregg's professional life, whether in Radio, Television or any of his other jobs, allowed him to travel and explore both places and people of all kinds. Ironically, it wasn't these experiences that had the biggest impact on him. In 2008, Gregg suffered a disabling back injury. During this time, Gregg was presented with the option to look at life with anger and cynicism over his injury and pain or to look for the opportunities it might present. He chose the latter. After looking within himself and as he says "Seeing what I was made of, and what made me tick," Gregg began sharing some of his thoughts. First on Facebook, Twitter and with others he was speaking to. As Gregg's thoughts, insights, and understanding continued to grow so did his social media presence. Soon, he began collecting his thoughts, ideas, affirmations and meditations in a series of books titled "A Common Man's Wisdom."

The Airplane Effect…

  For the most part, we have a want and a need to take care of others. This need is so big in fact, that many times we focus so intently on others even though we know it’s to our own detriment. So what are supposed to do, we need to help these people, right? Think of it this way…I call it the “Airplane Effect.” On a plane, the flight attendant during the safety speech always says “If you’re traveling with a child or someone who requires assistance, place the mask over your nose first.” Why? Because if you don’t take care of yourself first, something bad might happen to you and then you won’t be able to help them. This makes so much sense on the plane but somehow, as soon as we get off the plane and into our regular routine, what’s the first thing we do? We focus all of our attention on helping someone else and completely and totally forget about taking care of ourselves. Just answer this…Would you be able to give better advise, to understand more, to see more signals that might be being sent out and/or to facilitate more if you took better care of yourself? Of course you would! More sleep, more prayer or meditation, better nutrition or maybe just eating at all, as opposed to not eating (which is often common) all fall into the “taking better care of yourself” category. Look, the drive to help others is an amazing and commendable trait. It’s one way we can all make the world a better place. Make sure though, that you’re not causing yourself a problem where down the line, someone just might have to take care of you. “I’m not indestructible” is a mantra we can all benefit from telling ourselves. So….. Do your best to take care of yourself. Do your best to take care of yourself. The people you are helping will thank you. PEACE Gregg

That Voice Within…

Each day we think, we worry, we dissect the past, what’s happening right now or the things we think might happen in our future every single day. The problem is, so many times we ignore some great advise that is constantly “streaming” in! I’m not talking about advise from those around us, although that can be a great resource. I’m talking about the kind of advise that happens when there comes a time when we just need to stop and trust our soul, our spirit within to take over for a while. We all have a spirit inside, where it comes from and what it says are for a different conversation and a different place. Our spirit is constantly offering direction and at the very least, ideas about directions we might walk in.   Listen to that voice inside… Trust that voice inside… Believe that you will do your very best…   So much of the messaging we’ll hear, reminds us that realistically, all you can ask for or expect, is most often simple and “small.” Now, whether we decide to listen to that voice at any given time is always our decision. Make no mistake, this is so hard to do because we all want to believe that only we are in control. (Yes, I’m saying we are all CONTROL FREAKS!) I believe you can do it. I believe you already might be doing it, without even knowing it. So the next time you’re walking your path and you hear that voice and those ideas and directions, simply listen to them. After that, ask yourself if they make sense, if they do, use them! Oh yea, one more thing… Whether you decide to use them or not, every once in a while, say thank you too! Peace Gregg

Say Goodby to Negativity!!! Say Hello to Confidence!!!

When we’re caught up in all of the swirling noise around us, we want things to be better right now! We don’t want to wait and we want to do everything at once in order to solve our problems! Here’s a secret; We can’t do that! It won’t work! Confidence, which goes hand in hand with belief is a key to moving forward. Not only confidence in the good things we bring into our lives, but even more importantly, we need to have confidence for the things we let go of too. After all, in order to move forward, we need to make space for new and more powerful positive influences. So, that means we need to let go of the things and people that are holding us back, the grudges and hurt feeling from the past that serve no purpose other than to make us feel sad, mad or frustrated. As we let go, we need to be confident that we are doing the right things for the right reasons and that somewhere down the line, what we’re doing will “pay off” in some positive way. (Keeping in mind that we might or might not understand that payoff at the time.) Be confident in your decisions! Some of them will be right! Some of your decisions won’t be! It’s up to you to be confident and believe that what you are doing at the time is the right thing, the kind thing filled with love and positive energy. Once you’re able to do that, then not only is it easier for the bad things and the negative people to leave, but it is also easier for the new positive things and people to come into your life. Once you allow that confidence to come into your life you’ll also notice that there’s not as much “swirling noise” around you and we’re not as concerned about getting a problem solved “right now,” because we’re more focused on the many new and positive opportunities that seem to be showing up! Peace Gregg