Gregg Masters Gregg Masters

About Gregg Masters

Gregg Masters is an inspirational author, thinker and speaker who's daily thoughts, blog and more are known as "A Common Man's Wisdom." Gregg's professional life, whether in Radio, Television or any of his other jobs, allowed him to travel and explore both places and people of all kinds. Ironically, it wasn't these experiences that had the biggest impact on him. In 2008, Gregg suffered a disabling back injury. During this time, Gregg was presented with the option to look at life with anger and cynicism over his injury and pain or to look for the opportunities it might present. He chose the latter. After looking within himself and as he says "Seeing what I was made of, and what made me tick," Gregg began sharing some of his thoughts. First on Facebook, Twitter and with others he was speaking to. As Gregg's thoughts, insights, and understanding continued to grow so did his social media presence. Soon, he began collecting his thoughts, ideas, affirmations and meditations in a series of books titled "A Common Man's Wisdom."

Do you have time to CONSIDER it? (HINT: YES!!!)

We must, yes must view the world with an open mind and open heart. If we don’t, we’ll wall off not only ourselves off, but future of our children and grandchildren too.   Everyday, we must consider things we’ve never considered before and even more importantly, consider things we have considered before.   Years ago a wise man told me that he never has a bad day anymore because to him, life is just one long day. Just like any of our days…there are high points, low points, things to remember and things to forget and then we go to sleep. He said that when we go to sleep for the final time here…we simply wake up somewhere else doing something else. I guess I remembered this today because of some things that happened in my life recently and thought maybe some events in your life might make this an interesting consideration too. It’s a pretty thought provoking way to view your life…at least it made me think. I thought I’d share it with you.   The next time you hear a friend who’s putting forward an idea you don’t agree with, do yourself a favor and listen to it.     Does it have any merit at all?   Is there anything in it that you might be able to use to make life better?     Consider it.   Consideration opens both the mind and the heart! You are the only one who can make it happen. When you do that, you’re not only growing, but your showing respect for them as well.   Thanks for taking the time to read my One Minute Blog today. Feel free to send me a message if you like and of course, please feel free to think about this idea as much as you like and share it with others to see what they think. PEACE Gregg

Happy Thanksgiving…(or is it?)

(I’m reposting this with the hope we’ll realize that there are many who won’t be “celebrating” the way we imagine. Read on….) HAPPY THANKSGIVING! What a great time of the year. The weather cools while the family gathers around. Each Thanksgiving we marvel at the amount of food on the table in front of us and are grateful for the love that is all around us. So, yes… HAPPY THANKSGIVING!   Or is it? Thanksgiving is supposed to be what I just described but for so many, that isn’t the case. We throw the greeting around without thinking about those we meet and talk to, especially our friends. “HAPPY Thanksgiving! Are you going to have a big get together at your place this year?” The only problem with that is that many won’t be having a Happy Thanksgiving or a get together surrounded by friends and family.   While many of us will be trying to figure out how to fit all the food on the table, many, many others, yes…even some of your friends that you would never imagine, have little or no food. Imagine instead of turkey, looking in a mostly bare refrigerator and deciding between what’s left of the bologna or a can of soup. Sounds like I’m overstating it? I’m not.   While we are surrounded by family, watching TV, talking, arguing and napping…many, many others are alone, shielding themselves from the Happy Thanksgiving greeting and maybe even the phone calls, surrounded by only memories of loved ones who aren’t here anymore, pets who were loyal friends and are now gone, past Thanksgiving memories some good, some not so good. So, what can we do? Well, the first thing is to seriously ask ourselves that very question.   Let’s be honest here, most people might ask the question, but won’t follow through on it. They’re the people who’ll say they “wish they could help” or “isn’t it too bad about…” However, if you’re reading this, my guess is that you’re not one of those people. My guess is that you’re one of the people in the world who really does care. So, here are some suggestions for you. (If you have more ideas how to help, please leave a comment in the section below so others can see it too!)   Reach out to friends who are alone, elderly, disabled, families who are isolated, etc. Just say hello! Tell them that you were thinking of them. Ask them if they’d come over for dinner because it would mean a lot to you. Now keep in mind, some of these people might jump at the chance, but many of them will say no. They might feel inadequate or embarrassed, scared or they might be in pain. If this is the case, don’t push it, tell them how much it would mean to you again and how nice it was to talk with them. A few days later call and try again…   Send a note with a […]

Do I Want To Feel Good or Lousy?

Do You Want To Use The Time You Have Left Here on Feeling Lousy or on Feeling Good? We all have those people in our lives who seem to always seek out the negatives even in a sea of positives. You know, the people who immediately after winning the lottery would say “Yea, but the taxes!” The amazing thing about these folks though, is that if you asked them if they were using negative words, creating negative actions and in general just being negative, they would say no! They would, as we also know, be wrong about that!   So, here’s two things I want to say… 1• You are not their private post office so they can deposit their negativity with you! 2• Whether you are one of these people or someone who is a “sounding board” for them, FIND A WAY TO FIND THE JOY IN LIFE!   Let’s tackle this one first… 1• You are not their private post office so they can deposit their negativity with you! It’s up to each of us to realize that what we allow in, what we allow ourselves to soak up into our psyche is completely up to us! During the course of the day we will be hit with these “Special Delivery” packages of negativity from many different directions. Realize what they are, listen for the message but don’t allow them to stay with you. Don’t obsess over them or constantly recount them through the day. If you can do something to make them better, do it! If you can’t do something at that point in time, “Let Them Go!” This isn’t being uncaring. If you allow their negative energy to weigh you down, and it will, you aren’t living the life you should be, can and most importantly, Deserve To Be Living!” (Strive to be aware of your words, your moods and your energy. Constantly ask yourself if they are positive or negative. Then, listen for the honest answer and adjust from there.)   Now on to this which is in many cases, much more difficult… 2• Whether you are one of these people or someone who is a “sounding board” for them, FIND A WAY TO FIND THE JOY IN LIFE! Sounds so simple does it? “Find A Way To Find The Joy In Life.” The only trouble is, because we’re human beings, we’re much more apt to notice the negatives in life than the positive. I’m fond of telling folks to “Enjoy Life! Enjoy What They Can and as for the Things They Can’t, WELL ENJOY THEM TOO!” The real truth is that there is plenty to enjoy if we’re willing to. From simple things like being grateful for a roof over your head, your dog or cat snuggling, remembering tonight’s the night your favorite TV program is on and more…to life’s major joys that might present themselves from time to time. Things like Love, Marriage, Advancement, Hope, etc. Don’t just recognize these harbingers of enjoyment, […]