Daily Archives: November 24, 2022

Time Steals Enough, let’s not give it even more of our lives

*Disclaimer* There are so many good things in the world and so many more that haven’t been revealed yet.  That being said, we’re in that roughly one month time period between Thanksgiving (…in the U.S.) and Hanukkah, Christmas and New Years when traditions play such a huge part in our lives. As I started thinking about some of those traditions, it became sadly apparent that we’re losing some parts of them and some other parts of the rest of our lives as well. So, that’s how I got to where we are now. Gregg Our memories are a tricky thing, aren’t they? It seems they work one of two ways, we can either forget or lose memories inadvertently (The memories fade away or we loose track of them or a physical situation such as Alzheimer’s or some other mental condition.)or we can choose to forget for a myriad of reasons. (Including boredom or lack of stimulation)  What I’m talking about here is the latter. Choosing to allow some people, places and/or things to fade away.  I understand all our lives are different but I’m afraid that we as friends as well as a society might be losing more than we bargained for.  So what am I talking about? Here’s a quick look at just some that come to mind.  Let’s start small. Cursive handwriting is something many of us have grown up with. I just found my original Social Security card from when I was 13 years old. There, scrawled out in perfect cursive handwriting is my name. Mrs. Carnahan, my 1st grade teacher would be so proud! (No, I wasn’t still in 1st grade when I was 13! 1st grade was when we really began learning how to write in cursive handwriting.) Technology seems to be a main cause here. There are states that require cursive handwriting to be taught but sadly, it looks like technology is winning the race.  Civility definitely belongs on the list. Take a look at the political scene. It’s bad and getting worse recently. Next time you’re at a fast food place, watch what the counter help and see what they have to put up with on their minimum wage shifts.  Every year cars and trucks have change after change. Now it seems that in the not too distant future, Gasoline engines might be on that endangered list. As is the case with most things in life, it can be either viewed as good or bad. This one, I chalk up to be a good thing.  I mentioned technology earlier. Technology might also be behind the decline of people actually speaking to other people! It almost sounds like I might be making a joke here. I’m not. It’s so much easier now to use a text or hop on line even for a major purchase or purpose. Sometimes that works but other times a simple phone call or a trip to the store might help us find the right dimensions or answer questions we might not even know we need to ask. If we start […]