5 Tips Towards Happiness
There are many, many ways that would help to find happiness. There are also many, many ways we have of covering a lot of them up. So, I thought it might be a good idea from time to time just talk about a few of those ways that have worked for me at a time. That way, we can work them into our lives, see what works and what doesn’t and move forward to the next installment. So, here are the first 5 Tips Toward Happiness… IMAGINE HAPPINESS AS A COLOR Pick a color…any color and then in your mind associate that color with happiness. Whenever and wherever you see it, anytime of the day or night, remember some of the happiest things that have ever happened in your life. Also, whenever things aren’t going the way you want them to go, look for that color. If you can’t see it then imagine it, think of it and be happy… CELEBRATE, APPRECIATE AND ACT ON WHATEVER YOU’RE GIVEN TODAY Somehow we’ve convinced ourselves that it’s OK to put off things that will make us happy. Don’t! My Dad used to say that “When good is in the air, that’s the time to take a deep breath!” Don’t put things off or they will find someone else to appreciate. When something good happens, take the time to Celebrate it, to Appreciate it and then to Share it! (Which will make you even happier) DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEBODY ELSE Whatever the situation and wherever you might be, find a way to do something for someone else. It might be a compliment, have a pizza or a dinner delivered to someone, send some flowers, pay for the car behind you in the drive through, call someone just to say I love you or just tell them how much they mean to you… REMEMBER THAT EVERY SINGLE PERSON WE’LL MEET TODAY CAN USE SOME KINDNESS Sometimes people can be a real handful! Sometimes we can be a real handful! Maybe, just maybe your purpose today is to fulfill their need for someone to bring kindness into their lives. Do that, and you’ll be amazed at how much happier you are too! IN ORDER TO BE HAPPY YOU 1ST NEED TO ALLOW HAPPINESS INTO YOUR LIFE There are times when we get mired so deeply into unhappiness or frustration or grudges or anger that we get comfortable with it, without even realizing it. That state of mind becomes our normal. As long as we’re in that state, we can’t make our way to happiness. The only way to begin is to acknowledge we are unhappy and what the real reason(s) we’re not happy are. Then make ourselves believe that what we really want, is to be happy! Remember that each of these 5 things are changes and changes in our lives are both hard and seldom happen overnight. Remember a couple of other things too…You can do this and You deserve to be happy! Take a deep […]