Things I’m hoping For In 2021…
This year more than any other, we need to look back in a somber and respectful way about what happened, while looking forward into 2021 with hope that is fueled by gratitude.
Here’s a few of the things that I’m hoping 2021 will bring us. Some serious and some… not so much.
•I’m hoping that 2021 finds us turning back the wave of Coronavirus that 2020 brought us.
•I’m also hoping that in 2021 we’ll all remember the hundreds of thousands of deaths from Covid-19 in the United States and the millions around the world with respect and the resolve to never let this happen again.
•I’m hoping that 2021 delivers us Peace and Hope and Gratitude along with the Wisdom to allow them into our lives.
•I’m hoping that in 2021 all those people who feel the need to stand sideways with their hands on their hips in every picture they take realize that it ain’t workin! It just looks like you’re standing sideways with your hand on your hip! Take a great picture by being in the moment with those who are there with you.
•I hope that in 2021 more people might realize that the light at the end of the tunnel you’re seeing just might be a mirror reflecting the light within you as you get closer.
•I’m hoping 2021 will bring back hugs.
•I’m hoping that 2021 shows us how to make a New Normal that is not only New but Better and more indicative of what human beings were supposed to be like.
•I’m hoping that 2021 shows us that the revisionist history championed in the last few years, remains in the past and those leading that parade are destined to be remembered as clowns and charlatans.
•I’m hoping that 2021 sees the United States get back to not only leading the world again but also leading within our own borders again.
•I’m hoping 2021 shows us a better way to parallel park.
•I’m hoping for good health in 2021.
•I’m hoping that more people notice more consistently “the least among us” and choose to not just talk about them but actually do something to help them.
•I’m hoping that 2021 will see all of my favorite sports teams win every single one of their games. (In the games and matches with their rivals, I’m hoping 2021 sees my teams winning those contests by triple digits! Just saying…)
•I’m hoping that in 2021 we realize that what we’re given is one thing but how we react to it is even more important.
•I’m hoping that in 2021 Hope is not forgotten or shuffled to the background. Let’s face it, in 20◼️◼️ (The Year That Must Not Be Named) many of us saw the brightness of Hope and Wonder dim. We began not to trust each step on our path because it was clouded with fear.
•I’m hoping that 2021 will be the year that we all rave about as being unexpectedly amazing and wonderful on a scale even greater than this year was the opposite.
•I’m hoping that 2021 allows you to find all the single socks once lost in the wash, find where you put the remote, that miraculously you have plenty of AA batteries in the junk drawer, that you find a $20 bill in those pants you haven’t worn for a while and that you not only find but allow happiness and love into your life.