Want To Be A Patriot And Honor America? Wear A Damn Mask!
Wearing a mask has nothing to do with liberty and everything to do with science and caring!
We see the sign on a store’s door that says No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service we all say, “OK, I’m cool with that.”
But, if you see a sign that says you must wear a mask before you enter so you you don’t infect yourself or others? Well that’s just downright UN-AMERICAN!!!
W H A T ? ! ?
Clearly Covid-19 is not a hoax as it was explained early on. As of this writing more than 2.5 million Americans have been diagnosed (The CDC says it might be 10 times that!) and more than 125,000 Americans have died from it. It’s not the flu as we were told early on. It is a virus that can kill you no matter your age! It doesn’t care if you believe in it or not. It doesn’t care who you want to vote for!
Wear A Damn Mask!
If you wear a mask it doesn’t mean you’re weak, you look stupid, you’re a Democrat, you believe in conspiracies or people won’t respect you. Instead, it means your strong and care for others, you believe in facts and science and you’ll garner more respect!
Wear A Damn Mask!
When you wear a mask it’s not all about you! It’s about every other person you are around and every other person they are around and so on. It’s about your family, your mom and dad, your grandparents. It’s about a child you don’t even know who’s going through chemotherapy. It’s about the person that has a chronic disease that you never knew they had. It’s about others, not you! Wear A Damn Mask!
Tell your kids how important it is to wear a mask. Explain how they might be able to save someone’s life, simply by putting a mask over their nose and mouths. Can you imagine the value that this simple gesture will instill in them? It’s a simple fix, Wear A Damn Mask! Not doing so is, as Dr. Anthony Fauci said “A recipe for disaster.”
Wearing a mask has nothing to do with liberty and everything to do with science and caring!
Want To Be A Patriot And Honor America? Wear A Damn Mask!