Stop whining about having to stay home due to the Coronavirus and start appreciating that you’re living. I’ve got to say, I’m really tired of seeing and hearing people on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, on texts and emails go on and on about how much their life sucks now because they have to stay home!
So, let’s start by asking some questions.
•Is it a change you didn’t expect? Yep!
•Is it a time of uncertainty like we’ve probably not experienced before? Yep!
•Is it scary and frustrating? Yep!
•Is it tough to be laid off or fired or have your business closed? Yep!
•Is it mentally, spiritually and even sometimes physically hard to abide by the social distancing and self-isolation regulations? Yep!
Hang on, we have some more questions that need to be asked. For instance…
•Are these restrictions asking you to work in a place where others come to be healed from this virus? A place where every instant you are there, you might be infected? (If the answer is yes then you can whine and bitch all you want! You are a hero!)
•Are you working in an essential business where you are in danger of contracting this virus and possibly infecting your family? (If the answer is yes then you can whine and bitch all you want! You are a hero!)
•Have you been asked to relocate to a hostile place where others want to shoot, stab or blow you up? (If the answer is yes then you can whine and bitch all you want! You are a hero!)
•Have you been asked to run towards gunfire or those breaking the law? (If the answer is yes then you can whine and bitch all you want! You are a hero!)
•Have you been asked to literally run into fire in order to save someone else? (If the answer is yes then you can whine and bitch all you want! You are a hero!)
•Do you always have to wonder when you roll up to a scene where someone has broken their leg, had a heart attack or been in an accident if they also have the Coronavirus? (If the answer is yes then you can whine and bitch all you want! You are a hero!)
In some cases, we’ve been asked to stay at home with our kids, partners, wives, husbands or mothers and fathers. In olden times they were called “loved ones!”
Sure, what we’re going through is hard and we all wish we wouldn’t have to go through this! Some of us are going to emerge from this worse off. Some of us might not emerge at all. That is why it is so very important to stay home and Social distance. This isn’t just to keep us safe but all of those people I mentioned earlier. The heroes, the parents, the store workers, the first responders and the kids.
The stark reality is that none of us have the time whine about how put out we are because none of us knows how much time we have! Take advantage of the time that you do have by making sure you live it. No, make sure you LIVE IT! Teach and help others to LIVE IT! Every day, find a way to be grateful that you were given this huge gift called life! (FYI…if you’re busy being grateful about life, it’s absolutely impossible to whine about having to stay home!)
Stay Safe and Healthy And Start Living Instead of Whining!