It’s not every day when I feel the need to share a story about a bathroom! Lucky you, today…is that day! Before you run away on this one…trust me, it’s not what you think it is.
Today after washing my hands in a local fast food restaurant, I was standing alongside another man at the blow dryers as we were drying off our hands. When the man next to me finished he walked towards the door, stopped right in front of it and bent over to tie his shoelaces on his sneakers. As he was in mid-tie, someone opened the door and it hit him right in the head sending him right to his butt! Instead of realizing it was an accident and he was the one at fault, he starts yelling at the guy tell him what an idiot he was! The startled “door open guy” apologized as soon as it happened and then again as soon as “shoelace guy” started to yell, then moved off to his original purpose for opening the door in the first place.
There’s lots to unpack here but let’s start with this. DON’T BE AN IDIOT! If anyone was the idiot in this situation, it was “shoelace guy.”
1-Bending over in front of a door that opens inward. *Idiotic*
2-Yelling at the guy for your mistake. *Idiotic*
3-Not realizing your mistake and learning from it. *Idiotic*
4-*Don’t Be An Idiot!*
Look, we’re all human and that means that from time to time, we’re all idiots whether we want to admit it or not. But, when we do have those moments, admit it! Learn from it! Embrace it as your own special “Yep, I’m Human” moment and move on.
What gets lost in this story, but equally as important, is how the “door open guy” reacted to all of this. He knew it was an accident, wasn’t his fault and that he wasn’t the idiot here! He knew “Shoelace guy” was the idiot and was overreacting but was caring, kind and understanding. He allowed “shoelace guy” to make a bigger and bigger idiot of himself, knowing that he couldn’t control “shoelace guy.” He can only control “door open guy.”
So the moral of this story?
But when you are, accept it, learn from it and heck, even learn to laugh at it! Move on from it realizing that you’re human and whatever might have happened doesn’t define you, it just reminds you you’re human.
If you can manage to do that, then you’ll find life is quite a bit more palatable and those moments will happen less and less.