It’s OK to “Do Nothing”
What!?! Maybe for you but not in my life! How dare you urge people to Do Nothing and be lazy and non-productive!
OK, OK, first of all we need to establish that “Doing Nothing” is rarely actually doing nothing! Sadly, in this day in age, if we’re not doing something that “SOMEONE ELSE” was thinks is productive, then it’s deemed as “Doing Nothing.” Nope! Not even close.
Here’s a quick list of things that are considered as “Doing Nothing” by others…
Being alone…
Taking a Nap…
Get a massage…
Play the guitar…
Watching a favorite movie…
Just De-Stressing…
Doing Nothing means that, that moment of “nothingness” is allowing you to focus on what YOU think is important. (Whether you realize it or not!) Doing nothing is essentially the giant strainer of the psyche! It allows you to strain out the bits of stress and heartbreak, the daily frustrations and worry that realized or not, we’ve held onto.
Here’s the thing, Doing Nothing isn’t about other people! (But it is! More on that in a second…) If others don’t “approve” of your Doing Nothing time, that’s too bad! You NEED time to strain out those fragments you’ve been holding onto, and only you can really know when that time comes. As far as others are concerned, It happens indirectly. If you take care of yourself, then you become a better you. If you’re a better you, then you can influence, help and interact with others in a better more positive way. If you listen to yourself and sometimes “Do Nothing,” you come out a better you!
So, finding a way to be more productive is quite often found when you’re going through the step of Doing Nothing.
All of this sounds pretty counterintuitive and confusing doesn’t it? It is! Welcome to life! As a matter of fact, I think I’ll take some time to think, consider, wonder, maybe even meditate about it. Hummm?
(No matter what others might think…)