Monthly Archives: March 2019

Live and Learn…..

The other day somebody I was speaking with was devastated because someone they trusted went back on their word. I stopped them there and called it what it was…

“So they didn’t go back on their word, they lied! Isn’t that what really happened?” 

After squirming a bit, they agreed. The person lied. They learned quite a lesson courtesy of life.

This happens to us all the time, doesn’t it? In one way or another we’ve all been lied to, deceived, used, mislead or disappointed. Sometimes it’s not others that rock our lives, but life itself. Still, the result is them same. In other words…

Live and Learn

I had asked a couple of famous folks to write a guest blog. Both of them said without hesitation that they would. I offered to write about some upcoming events they had happening as a way to both introduce them to my readers and add an additional voice to their events, which I wholeheartedly supported and believed in. Both of them stiffed me! Yep! In other words…

Live and Learn.

I’ve taken that phrase to heart over the years. Some folks see it as a phrase meaning that we’re giving up, but let’s take a look at those important words.

Live and Learn

It’s not about giving up, it’s about 




Live and Learn not only goes for how others treat us, but how we treat others too. Look, we all make mistakes. From time to time, we will all treat someone unfairly, be rude to them or disappoint them because of our behavior. However, we need to learn from what life is giving us and make sure we show them (as my Dad would say) The Best We  Have To Offer. In other words…

Live and Learn

Apply those three words and allow the lives of others to impact us. A friend or family members death can teach us so much if we just let it. How did they live? What were the forces that drove them to live? How did they die? What would they want us to be doing following their death, letting grief stop our lives or remembering them and truly living whatever life we have left? In other words…

Live and Learn.

Remind yourself at the end of each day just what life has taught you. Write it down in a journal and then review it from time to time.

Learn from your Life

So you can then

Live and Learn




You Deserve The Memories You’ve Created

The other day as I was walking down a hallway in my home that has various pictures of times past, when all of a sudden I just stopped.  A voice deep within me whispered for me to stop and pay attention. As I looked to my right, there was a picture of my son and I posed in a plane along with a ticket stub from the air show where it happened. We had originally given it to my mom probably 20 years ago or so. I hadn’t looked at it, I mean really looked at it for probably years. One day in the past, I thought these memories were important enough to hang on the wall so I could relive them. Now, it appears things have changed, what a shame! We all have those reminders in our own homes, pictures, knickknacks, marks we made measuring our kids, etc. and yet day after today, we walk past them God knows how many times without  paying them the attention they deserve. You deserve the memories you’ve created. You also deserve to build upon them. To put it even more clearly, YOU DESERVE TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE LIFE YOU’VE LIVED AND THE LIFE THAT IS SURROUNDING YOU NOW! Pay attention to those pictures and knickknacks. Pay attention to the “little” words that people sometimes “throw away” in their conversations. Pay attention to life. Commit to one day of really paying attention to life. Smell the air when you go outside, listen to the wind whip through the trees, feel the warmth of the sun as it shines through the window, really taste the tartness of an apple or the sweetness of the jam you spread on your toast. Isn’t this something that we should be doing anyway? Shouldn’t we be aware that we are alive? Each and everyday, shouldn’t we be grateful that we are alive!?! While the answer is clearly yes, it is also something that falls by the wayside with every year we are here on earth. The things is, it doesn’t cost us anything and doesn’t take take away from the importance of our life or the appreciation of our family. As a matter of fact, simply by paying attention, it accentuates them! So do it! As I mentioned earlier, commit to just ONE DAY of noticing, appreciating, reflecting, being grateful for and really living life the way we all hoped we would, and deserve to! As for me, I’ve come to have a new appreciation for simply walking down that hallway and feeling those memories that I one day thought were important enough to hang on those walls. I hope your walk though life will find some of that appreciation and gratitude. I hope your awareness of life continues to grow because then you will grow with it. Peace Gregg