Compassion is a wonderful thing but without action, compassion only stays in the wishing, hoping and praying stage. The ironic thing is, that all of those wishes and hopes and prayers are for someone to take some action!
Contact a friend or a loved one and challenge them to do a small act of compassion. Once they complete the challenge ask them to pass it along to one of their friends or loved ones. You might be the beginning of a movement that helps more people than you could ever imagine.
What could some of those acts of compassion I talked about be? Well they are limitless, but here are a few to maybe get you thinking…
~Drop a pizza or bag of burgers at your local Firehouse or Police Department
~Take flowers by the hospital and ask they they go to patients rooms that don’t have any
~Send money (A few bucks or a few hundred, depending what you can afford) to an elderly or disabled friend or family member
~Drop dinner by a caregiver’s house
~Send movie tickets to the family of Military member
~Become a “pen pal” for a service member (Soldier’s Angels is one that I use)
There are a few for you, now it’s up to you to do SOMETHING or NOTHING.
I’ll leave you with this, my Dad once told me that the decision to help someone was up to me but he said “There will come a time when you’ll realize that doing nothing was a bad option. For most people son, by the time they realize that, it’s much too late.”