These trying times that we’re in right now are telling us so many things about others and about ourselves. We now know who the people in our lives, because of fear and greed are the people hoarding all of the toilet paper, hand sanitizer, household cleaners, etc… and who the people in our lives are the ones who buy what they need and maybe a touch more just in case but not any more. We also know who the people in our lives are the ones who are willing to “go the extra mile” and buy a little extra for that neighbor who can’t get out due to age, disability or susceptibility to the virus. We also know who the people in our lives are that refuse to take any precautions or even acknowledge that the Coronavirus exists. (These people are by my estimation, the worst among us right now.) By ignoring the problem, they are not only putting themselves and their families and friends and risk, but also each person those people might come in contact with. This is not some movie or video game where he who captures all of the goodies wins! This is the time when we must choose which of these we not only want to be, but which of these we are!
This is a time of great fear, frustration and uncertainty. It’s also a time to remember that unlike any other time we’ve faced, now is when we must know that it is more about “WE” that matters than about “I”. The only way we make it out of this thing is if “WE” help and look out for each other.
It’s OK to be scared and it’s OK to be frustrated. It’s also OK to be extra kind, extra loving and extra giving. Take the time to make a call to the elderly, disable, those living alone or those who are ill. Take the time and effort to send them a delivery or groceries or flowers or gift cards or money so they can move on, even as they might be separated from the rest of us out of an abundance of caution.
•There are so many right now who believe that they are forgotten. Take the time to remind them that they are not forgotten.
•There are so many who are scared. Take the time to let them know they are not alone and if we’re smart, we’re all a little afraid.
•There are so many wishing and longing to be part of the “WE” but don’t know how or don’t know if they can do it. Take the time to reach out and tell them “WE” are all in this together. It’s going to be tougher for some than others, but “ WE” are all in this together.
Peace and stay healthy and happy and do your best to help others to do the same.