Welcome To The “Yeah But…” Generation And It’s Embarrassing!
Every generation seems to have its own identity. The one that most often comes to mind is The Greatest Generation. That moniker is perfect to explain the sacrifice and the grit they needed to face its challenges and then save the free world. Today we are facing some real and troubling challenges too, but instead of facing and solving them, our choice is to shift the blame or make excuses by saying “Yeah but…” Lots of talk, not much action and it’s all about “Yeah but what can you do for me” instead caring at all for the rest of the people in. Blind yourself to the facts and the truth and instead manufacture your own false reality.
Don’t believe me? Well do any of these sound familiar?
••You know you should be wearing a mask.
“Yeah but it’s my right not to. Don’t tread on my personal liberties!”
••The coronavirus is spreading more…
“Yeah but those numbers are fake.”
••The scientists all agree that…
“Yeah but they’re all part of the deep state. “
••Character matters!
“Yeah but he’s authentic”
••We have a systemic race problem in this country.
“Yeah but it doesn’t affect me?”
••The State says that it’s not safe for the coaches or the players and highschool sports should be shut down until it is.
“Yeah but my kid deserves to play. They want to play. It’s not right and it’s not fair!”
••We all must accept restrictions in our community now, otherwise we’ll be worse off later.
“Yeah but I’ll take care of my family my own way. You have no right to tell us what to do“
••The law says…
“Yeah but I know better. Screw the law! I’m not gonna do it!”
••I saw on the news that…
••More than 228,000 people have died because of Covid—19.
“Yeah but I don’t believe those numbers. “
••Do you have a responsibility to your neighbors and family members and even people you meet to be safe and keep them healthy?
“Yeah but what about me? If they don’t like it, get out of my way “
••Shouldn’t we all come together to find a way to fix what’s broken?
“Yeah but I, I, I and me, me, me and don’t take away my rights and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…”
Congratulations to the YEAH BUT… generation. Quite an accomplishment. Quite an embarrassment. Blind yourself to the facts and the truth and instead manufacture your own false reality.
The path that “Yeah but…” takes us down ends in ruin. It’s not too late to switch paths and believe the facts, believe in science, believe in your neighbor. Believe in the truth.
Stay Healthy and Stay Safe