An open letter to all of the “Covidiots.”
Hello. My name is Gregg Masters.
I am a 60 year old man who struggles each day with chronic health conditions. I love my country and depending on the cause or situation I can swing from conservative to liberal in my views and opinions. I, like you, also find myself struggling with the economy. The rising prices for services that prior to January I didn’t need, will the money keep coming in, etc. I, like you, also find myself struggling through the Coronavirus Pandemic that has enveloped the world and this country, no matter what mixed messages we might be hearing from our leaders. There are millions of Americans like me who are and have been sequestered in the homes for months simply because we want to stay alive. The question I have for thousands of others is… So why don’t you care if we live or die?
Science tells us that social distancing and wearing a mask can significantly bring down the risk of spreading or acquiring Covid-19! So why not do that? You might not only save my life but you might be saving your life!
I’ve heard some of you say it’s because wearing a mask is an infringement of your rights. Keep in mind that the Declaration of Independence is all about the common good! The COMMON good! THE COMMON GOOD! Social Distance!Wear a Damn Mask!
I’ve heard some say it’s because they’re too uncomfortable. Stop by a local ER and ask any of the Covid-19 patients if they’re comfortable.
I’ve heard some say if the President doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal, they don’t think it’s that big of a deal. As of this writing 2,888,915 people in the United States are confirmed to have the Coronavirus. 129,948 souls have died. That seems like a big deal to me.
The time has come to stop professing that you “want” to do something and “hope” things will get better, and start actually doing something to make a difference! Simply social distancing and wearing a simple face covering of some sort will save lives! (Maybe yours!)
Stop just thinking only about yourselves and think about all the people who can’t go outside because of all the covidiots who refuse to social distance or wear a mask or for that matter, even believe that the coronavirus isn’t as bad as it is? I’m not just talking about the elderly people but also people with chronic diseases who are of all ages, I’m talking about the kids, the young and middle-age people who can still get sick and still die! The elderly people who are on chemotherapy or similar kinds of treatments? What about the people who just wear a mask to help other people? What about the people who are wearing a mask because they know that they have to do as much as they can to keep themselves healthy in order to see their parents or their grandparents? What about their rights? What about their fears? What about your responsibility to them?
Stop being so selfish! Get a grip and realize that you will forever be judged by how you decide between helping others or turning your back on them. Deciding between money and the deaths of others. Deciding for Country instead of party or political leadership.
Do the right thing! You’ve made it this far in life. You’ve embraced science your whole life. Don’t turn your back on it now just because you might find it difficult or inconvenient to comply with the facts. Do the right thing.
With Sincerity and Hope,
Gregg Masters