Daily Archives: December 17, 2021

What Makes You Happy?

What makes you happy? That seems like a pretty simple question to answer, huh? Well, not so fast… In today’s world it seems that we spend way more time thinking about what doesn’t make us happy than what does! Thinking about what (or who) we don’t like instead of who we do. Taking time to consider all the things we want instead of all of the things we have. So let’s force ourselves to get back to that original question.  What makes you happy?  -Is it the sound of a child’s laughter or the sound of screaming, yelling and arguing? -Is it the soft touch of someone you love or the hurt of a punch or slap?  -Is it the memories of happy times or those that still have the power of depression? We spend precious time and energy in our lives holding onto grudges, being angry over the smallest things (ie… road rage, slow service, misunderstood words here or there, etc…) and then having conversations about how bad we feel or how mad we are. But when we do these things, we lose track of one of life’s key question—What Makes Us Happy? Maybe the first step is to actually find out what makes us happy in the first place. Then, spend more time thinking about those things and telling others about them than the things that make you sad or angry. Doesn’t it just make sense that the more time we spend thinking of and being involved with the things that make us happy, the happier we’ll be? Well, the less time we spend being weighed down by all the negative things, the less negative we’ll become.  Take the time to find the things in the past and present that make you happy. Take the time to write them down on paper or in your phone or tablet. Take the time to add them into your life. Of course by adding more and more of them into your life that means you’ll need to get rid of some things too. (I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt here for realizing you’ll be getting rid of all of those negative things that have been holding you back.) So what makes you happy? Now ask those you,love and care about the same question I’ve been asking you. Once they rattle off the first few, press them for more and more and more. After all, there’s no limit to the happiness you might find in life. Keep searching. Keep enjoying. Keep appreciating. Keep sharing them with others and more than anything else, keep expanding the happiness within you.  Peace      …..Gregg