Monthly Archives: May 2019


Today is a place! Today is not a time, today is a place!

Today is where you are. Today is where you’ve arrived. Today is where you live!






Today is the only way you will get to another place called Tomorrow. Live it, Love it, Embrace it, Live in Awe of it!




Today is a place! Today is no more a “time” than Chicago or New York or London or Amsterdam!




Today is a portal that allows you to catch onto a dream, hold it and deliver it to Tomorrow!




Today is a place! You don’t have the time to hold grudges, be angry, cynical or dismissive. You don’t have time to shift your love for someone until tomorrow because they might not be there, you might not be there.




Today is a place! LIVE IN IT!






T h e I N S T A N T ! ! !

An instant is truly immeasurable! A long life both begins and ends with an instant, but most importantly, it is filled with them!



Of all the things we could forget in our lives, how could we forget this one? When did we forget this life changing fact? How do we get it back? Those are great questions but the most important might be, How Can I Begin to be Truly Grateful and Really Live Each Instant of Life I’ve Been Given?



My hope is that you’ll begin asking some of these questions, listening for your answers as well as noticing more of those precious instants!

