Monthly Archives: January 2018

One Simple Pledge in the Morning Will Change Your Life

Especially when things aren’t going well, especially when you are in pain whether it is physical, mental or spiritual, especially when it seems that no one is on your side or you feel alone, remember this…     Make a pledge to yourself in the morning that you will listen more than you will talk. You’ll be amazed at how smart you will be tonight     Allow yourself to really hear the world around you. Listen not only to the words but also the meanings behind them, the sounds of the world wherever you are, the whispers from your soul. Listen and understand them and before you speak to others, speak to yourself.     Make a pledge to yourself in the morning that you will listen more than you will talk. You’ll be amazed at how smart you will be tonight   Peace Gregg

Death is a wonderful teacher. It’s up to us to learn!

There have been times in my life where I thought I might die. Most of those times happened when I was younger and came and passed quickly. The most recent case however was different. Shortly before the Christmas Holiday, a very astute doctor noticed a problem and put me into the hospital immediately. It was a good thing he did. A couple of operations later and through several complications, before I knew it not only had I spent my Holiday flat on my back in the hospital, but I had been there for almost a month. My struggle will continue for quite a while. The reason for this blog isn’t to lament my ongoing medical troubles. Instead, to pass along some of the things I learned this time and the others, about living life that came to me as dying was and is staring me (and you) in the face. •LIVE YOUR LIFE! Don’t go along for the ride. Enjoy, appreciate and notice life. THEN GO LIVE IT!!! •FIND A WAY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT GRATITUDE IS! We all say we’re grateful, but are we really? I mean gratitude is for me, the key to really living. Get to the point where you can find gratitude in even the worst situation. Use the power that gratitude gives to you to build a better life for you and for others. •POSITIVE THOUGHTS AND ENERGY Man, it is so easy to allow negative thoughts to creep in when things are going badly. Positive energy not only attract positive energy but they also create positive energy and thoughts and actions. Don’t ignore the facts in front of you, but use that positive energy to focus on potential fixes, on new paths you are offered and on simply taking a few minutes to be happy, to smile about something you might not normally have done or to give yourself a break. •WORDS MATTER When you’re going though a tough time you’ll notice all the negative words people use to try and make you feel better. Negative words, no matter there intent are still negative! “I feel so bad, so sorry, what a terrible break…” are all said to make you feel better but the words are all negative. Don’t allow it! Don’t enter into a conversation like this. Keep all of your conversations positive and don’t allow any horror stories about past ailments or problems. You know, the ole…”Oh I know what you’re going through, I had a bad doctor [nasty pain, operation, etc…] and it was terrible. Blah…Blah…Blha… There are many more and you might have some to add but the bottom line is that… LIFE IS MADE OF INSTANTS! WE ARE BORN IN AN INSTANT! WE DIE IN AN INSTANT! AND WHAT IS IN BETWEEN IS MADE OF NOTHING BUT INSTANTS! WE CALL THAT LIFE!!! So, be aware of the instants in your life. See them. Appreciate them. Use them. LIVE THEM!!! Peace Gregg